Female secondary student finds penis in her food in Ghana

 Female secondary student finds penis in her food in Ghana

A female secondary student finds penis in her food. The sight of the reproductive organ in her food has left many students shocked.
A video surfaced online and shows a female student holding the penis she found in her food. Other students, all wearing their school uniform, gather around her to catch a glimpse as they scream in shock.
Female secondary student finds penis in her food (Video) - lailasnews
They cannot help but wonder where it came from, an animal or a human. The body part looked so real with the shape and structure similar to that of a human being.
We are unable to confirm what school this happened but it looks like a boarding school as some of the girls are seen wearing their school house wear.
This is yet another shocking news from school. It will be a disaster if this girls were served human meat without their knowledge.


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